Revolving Mortgages may sound like a great idea…BUT they are the Golden Handcuffs that bind you to your bank!!
When shopping for a mortgage you’ll probably ask the usual questions regarding: rate, term, payment frequency, but you probably won’t ask if a conventional or collateral mortgage is going to be registered against your property. So what exactly is the difference?
Not all mortgages are created equal. There’s a major distinction that you need to be aware of: collateral (revolving) mortgages vs. conventional mortgages. Most of Canada’s big banks and Credit Unions now register mortgages as Collateral Charges without informing the client of the pros and cons.
Since most lenders weren’t doing a good job of informing their clients – changes were implemented in the Canadian 2014 Budget and effective January 31, 2015 “consumers require sufficient information in order to more clearly understand the costs and consequences of a collateral charge mortgage relative to a conventional mortgage.”*
Conventional Mortgage is the “normal” mortgage we have known for the last 30 years. A conventional mortgage establishes a set amount you are borrowing including: the interest rate, terms, repayment schedule and the amortization (so you know when you’ve paid off your home). This information is in a document that’s registered with your provincial land title/registry office. i.e. $300,000 mortgage, 3% interest, 5 year term, amortized over 25 years
Collateral Mortgage differs from a conventional/standard mortgage in some very important ways. Pay attention here!
In a Nut Shell:
The Details: With a collateral mortgage, the BIG difference is in the terms and conditions . On a debt as large as your mortgage you MUST understand the fine print (so engage an independent mortgage broker like myself and ask lots of questions)!
1. A collateral charge is non-transferable. It can’t be assigned (transferred or switched) to a new lender like a regular mortgage. When your mortgage term is over (i.e. after a 5 year term) most consumers have the opportunity to “switch” their mortgage to a new lender for better interest rates or terms, but only if it is registered as a conventional mortgage.
2. If you have other loans or credit cards with the same financial institution as your mortgage.
Lenders can use a right under Canadian Law called “offset” to utilize a collateral mortgage to pay out any other unpaid debts you have with them. YES believe it NOT, your credit cards, line of credit, car loan etc. are now tied to your mortgage (scared yet? You should be!) This means:
If you have equity in your home and you have defaulted on another loan or credit card, the lender can increase your collateral mortgage to pay out this other debt.
In contrast under the conventional charge mortgage, your other debts are kept separate and your mortgage is unaffected by life’s lumps & bumps along the way.
3. When registering a collateral mortgage, the lender can register up to 125% of the value of your property at rates as high at Prime + 10% ( regardless of what you signed for ). Any future borrowings that you may want to leverage from your home will have to come from your current collateral mortgage holder.
4. A collateral charge a revolving loan or re-advanceable Which means the lender can lend you more money after closing, without you needing to refinance and pay a lawyer. This is similar to how a line of credit works.
5. Lenders advertise Collateral/Revolving Mortgages as cheap ways to refinance, but they fail to mention that what you save in legal fees can easily be consumed by potentially less-than-favourable rates on any new mortgage money you borrow.
In summary, if you don’t believe that you’ll need to refinance or extract equity from your home, then a regular/conventional/standard charge mortgage would be your best choice . It will give you the ability to shop around your mortgage and move to another lender at renewal for better rates/terms, without incurring legal fees. If you need to borrow more with a conventional mortgage, you have the option of a second mortgage or line of credit.
Collateral/Revolving Mortgages… the Golden Handcuffs… What the Banks don’t want you to know… A Collateral mortgage for the average person will cost you more than you will save!
Let’s discuss a mortgage that works for you (not the bank)!
Kelly Hudson
Mortgage Expert
Mobile: 604-312-5009
*Government of Canada – Budget 2014 Collateral Charge Mortgage While many consumers continue to choose a traditional mortgage to secure their home loans, many are increasingly choosing collateral charge mortgages. The impacts of having a collateral charge mortgage may differ from traditional mortgages. For instance, switching between lenders may be more difficult. To make an informed choice, consumers need sufficient information to clearly understand the costs and consequences of collateral charge mortgages relative to traditional mortgages. The Government will require enhanced disclosure, better equipping borrowers to understand these impacts.
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